Iceland's Shaky Problem
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has an interest about geology that Iceland has many hazards caused by its position on the border of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. According to Panorama Glass Lodge "Iceland experiences earthquakes on a very regular basis. There can sometimes be hundreds or even thousands of tremors in a month; however most earthquakes recorded typically aren't big enough to be noticed by people, or occur far away from populated areas."
Iceland has developed several contingencies in the event of a natural disaster caused by a natural hazard. An article on the Reykjavik Grapevine stated that the Heimaey Eruption of 1973 was the event that brought the framework for natural disaster preparation into full swing. A large part of that framework is the cooperation between emergency services in order to get people evacuated.
Reykjavik Grapevine:
Nice seismic reflection!